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Journal 1

The Life in the Military 

        During the summer vacation, I went to Guantian barracks to fulfilled my mandatory military service. I stay at Guantian for two months. To me, being a soldier is a special and unforgettable experience.


The Life of “Meal Class”


        After my comrades and me arrived at the first company, our sergeants started to separate us into different classes. Our class was assigned to be the “meal class”. Our jobs are preparing meals for our supervisors and comrades, washing dishes, and cleaning our restaurant. Most of my comrades thought our job is tiring because we should get up early. In general, soldier wake up at 5:30. However, our class must wake up at 5:00 or even 4:50 since we need to go to the restaurant before the troop come to eat breakfast.  


        Military training classes always made us feel exhausted. Those sergeants taught us rifle shooting, grenade throw, bayonet drill, and so on. At first, most of us thought those classes are truly tiring. After several days, we started to get used to take those classes every day. Our supervisors told us we would have an exam five weeks later after we came to this barracks. We prepared for the exam for five weeks. Luckily, all of us passed the exam.


Funny Incident

The Congee


     One morning, our class went to the restaurant to prepare breakfast. My friend and I were responsible for dividing a large bucket of congee into 19 pots. However, in the pot was plenty of soup with little rice. The next day, we went to divide the congee again. This time, we find that in the bucket was plenty of rice with little soup.

The Raincoat

      On the last day of being a soldier, one of my comrades’ camouflage raincoat was missing. Since it was the last day to stay at Guantian barracks, he should return the raincoat to the barracks, or he must pay money for the missing raincoat. The handsome soldier asked a sergeant how much the raincoat is. “2200 dollars”, said the sergeant. What’s more, my comrade only had 1600 dollars in his pocket. Thus, he decided to ask every one to donate money to him. First, he and his classmates went to the third dorm to ask for donation. Then the second dorm. Then the first dorm. When I saw him, I had no idea what they were doing. After asking what was happened, I decided to donate 1 dollar to him. I also notice that someone donated a piece of Taiwan uniform invoice to him. “Hey, now you are rich. You have a piece of Taiwan uniform invoice!” At last, he had 2200 dollars, and giving toe money to the barracks.

How it Works
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