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Process Essay

How Scorpions Hunt Their Preys

      Scorpions are one of the most fascinating creatures in the world. However, due to their poisonous stings, many people dare not to approach this lobster-like animal. Many people may think that it is too dangerous to get close to a poisonous animal such as a scorpion. Thus, a lot of people don’t know how scorpions hunt their prey. In fact, they use only three simple steps to hunt for food.

      The first step for scorpions to hunt for food is to find a prey and get close to it. Scorpions’ bodies are small. Thus, they usually hunt some creatures which are smaller than themselves, such as tiny insects and spiders. Sometimes, they even hunt small scorpions. When scorpions target their prey, they crawl toward the creature in order to catch it with their big, dreadful claws. They walk slowly in order not to let their prey realize that they are targeted by giant scorpions. When the poor insects find that the intimidating scorpions are after them, they have nowhere to escape.


       After scorpions get really close to their prey, they use their large claws to catch their meal tightly. If scorpions don’t do it, their prey will run away so that they will have nothing to eat. Scorpions’ claws can help them stabilize their prey. When scorpions walk toward their prey, they usually use their claws to attack their targets. If their prey moves very fast, scorpions sometimes use their tails to induce their prey into getting close to them. Once scorpions catch the prey, they grab it tightly in order not to let their meal go. Some small animals can be killed by the strong grab of the claws. If the scorpions are lucky enough, they can enjoy their meal without wasting their poisonous venom produced by the end of their tail.

        After stabilizing the prey, the last thing scorpions need to do is to inject the animal with venom produced by the tails. The structure of scorpion tail is really similar to injector. There are stings at the end of the tails. The poisonous sting is a nightmare to many animals. When scorpions grab their prey tightly, they sting the creature as soon as possible. The venom will flow into the prey’s body through scorpions’ tails and stings. In the end, the injected animal will be paralyzed, and die eventually. After finishing all the hunting process, scorpions can finally enjoy the delicious delicacy.


       Although scorpions’ hunting method looks scary, it is an effective and useful way for them to catch their meals. However, to scorpions, the hunting way also exposes them to danger. They hunt animals that are smaller than themselves, including small scorpions. It is dangerous for two scorpions to have a duel since both of them are equally poisonous and threatening. When two scorpions are fighting, no one know who can survive in the end because both of them have poisonous sting. Next time when you see scorpions trying hard to catch a tiny creature, do not be frightened because they are showing you how much effort they pay to survive om this planet.



Scorpion Man. (2016). Scorpion Catching, Stinging, And Preying On Black Widow (Warning: May be disturbing to some viewers.). YouTube. Retrieved from

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