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​Sports Day

       10/29 was the last day of CCU’s Sports Day this year. My friends stayed at CCU on that day. Thus, I invited them to watch the cheerleader contest, shop at the garden party, and watch the fireworks.


     In the afternoon, my friends and I arrived at the stadium. In front of the stadium were lots of vendors. They sold many kinds of products such as fried chicken, grilled squid and black tea. Because we were not hungry, we decided to go to watch the cheerleader contest first. When we arrived at the spectator’s seats, the contest hadn’t begun. Thus, we sat on the seats and watched the contestants beside the field. The contestants looked so energetic. All of them were ready for the coming competition. When the contest started, the students on the field tried their best to show their passion to the judges and the audience in order to win the competition. The audience loved their performances.

     After watching the contest, we went to the garden party to buy some snacks. When we went to the garden party, there were plenty of people there. The vendors were really busy since there were lots of customers waiting for their food. Some vendors sold similar kinds of food. I even found that there were three stands selling squids! My friends bought a piece of fried chicken pie, some chapati and a bottle of black tea. I bought a piece of grilled chicken and white gourd tea. The food there tasted good.


     At night, we watched the fireworks. After shopping at the garden party, one of my friends lives in the dormitory, so he decided to go back to his dorm and watch the fireworks on the 9th floor. The other friend of mine and I watched the fireworks in front of my parents’ restaurant. We could watch the fireworks’ upper part clearly outside CCU because there’s no obstacles in front of CCU. This year’s fireworks were amazing. Some fireworks had 2 or more colors on it, which made it look splendid. What’s more, some fireworks even change direction after they explode. That was impressive.

     To sum up, this year’s Sports Day’s show and activities were great. The cheerleader contest was wonderful, the food in the garden party was delicious, and the fireworks were unforgettable. Although I didn’t participate in any sports race, I still had a good time with my good friends at CCU. 

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